Cherise In Words

my world, for what it’s worth.

so I decided to blog…..

So I decided to blog. No surprise there! There are several blogs out there, right? What makes this one different?

Consider this a diary of sorts. A peek into the soul of a person who, honestly, had no idea what she wanted to be when she grew up because of the ‘Bread Aisle’. For those who don’t know, the ‘Bread Aisle’ is a husband-ism. It means that there were so many choices that it was WAY too hard to pick one. So, you stand there, scratching your head with a puzzled look on your face, trying to pick ‘the right one’. Still don’t get it? Go to the grocery store and check out the bread aisle!

I digress. So, let’s start with a little about me. I’m a married mom of four. I used to be a professional businesswoman. Now, I am a SAHM who happens to have a couple of businesses and a couple of startup ideas floating in my head. Oh, and I homeschool my youngest baby. But he is not a baby. My babies are 27, 25, 23 and 10! And i don’t want to forget; I am a Lolli to a 3 1/2-year-old. (YUP!!!!)

Now the reason of this blog: I have SOOOOO many ideas that I thought it would be better to, instead of picking just one, marry them all. One day, I may sell skincare. Another day, I’m building a website for a friend. The next day, I may be cooking a meal for an event. That night, I’m sewing an outfit for my niece. Yes, it’s going to be all over.

So, strap in and enjoy the ride!!!!

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